45,000 software developers work in Belarus, while 85 percent of them live in the capital Minsk. The share of capital-based developers in Belarus is the second highest in Central & Eastern Europe area (CEE), the global programmers’ community website Stack Overflow reports.
Latvia tops the rating with 91 percent of its programmers live and work in Riga. The lowest proportion of software engineers as compared to the whole country is in Warsaw (Poland) and Kyiv (Ukraine): 29 and 49 percent respectively.
All in all, Belarus, the nation of 9,6 million people, comprises 45,000 programmers. In comparison, 144,000 developers work in Ukraine (population — 45m people) and as many as 254,000 (38m people) — in Poland.
According to the survey, the number of programmers for every 100 people in the labour force in Belarus is small (1 per 100) in comparison to the neighbouring countries. This could be explained by the fact the Stack Overflow survey takes into account users of its English-language website version only. At the same time, many programmers in Belarus and Ukraine use the Russian-language version of the website.
In accordance with the report, PHP made it become the most popular programming language throughout CEE, while Belarus gives it less prominence together with the minority of countries. As reported by Stack Overflow, Java, .NET and Ruby are the most popular programming technologies in this country.
In comparison, dev.by’s annual survey reveals Java, .NET, PHP as the top-3 programming languages in Belarus.
Belarus also stands out among other countries regarding mobile development. The country represents the highest percentage of developers in CEE specialising on either of the two operational systems — iOS or Android.
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