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Terms of Service

Terms of Service (User Agreement) on the procedure for using the site located at the address: https://devby.io (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement).


1.1. The following terms and definitions are used in this Agreement:

1.1.1. Site — a set of software and hardware tools and program codes through which the Administration provides Users with information, provides access to the relevant resources and services of the system (for the purposes of this Agreement, such a resource is https://devby.io);

1.1.2. Administration — the owner of the Site, ensuring the operation of the Site and access to it;

1.1.3. User — an individual who has acceded to this Agreement and gained access to the information resources and services of the Site, including those who have passed the registration and (or) authentication procedures on the Site, as well as using it in any way without going through such procedures, is considered to have acceded to this Agreement;

1.1.4. Information — any textual, graphic, sound, software and technical information and files posted by Users on the Site.

1.1.5. Registration — a set of activities to create an account on the Site and agree to the terms of this Agreement.

1.1.6. Authentication — a set of measures to establish and confirm the accuracy of information about users of the Site, the conditions and procedure for which are provided for by this Agreement.

1.1.7. Account — a set of data about the User stored in the computer system of the Site, specified during registration and (or) authentication by the user, necessary for his authentication and providing access to his personal data and settings.

1.1.8. ID number — an authentication number that is assigned to the User Account after completing the registration procedure on the Information Electronic Resource.

1.1.9. Forms of the Agreement — the forms in which the User enters information during the registration and (or) authentication procedures, which are an integral part of this Agreement.

1.1.10. Blogs — a subdomain of the Site at the permanent address on the Internet https://devby.io/blogs in which users, with the permission and approval of the Administration, can post, share and commented Information posted on it. The same rules and requirements apply to the Information posted in this section as to the Information posted on the Site.

1.1.11. Jobs — a subdomain of the Site at the permanent address on the Internet https://jobs.devby.io in which users, with the permission and approval of the Administration, can post and share Information about vacancies. The same rules and requirements apply to the Information posted in this section as to the Information posted on the Site.

1.1.12. Companies — a subdomain of the Site at the permanent address on the Internet https://companies.devby.io in which Representatives, with the permission and approval of the Administration, can post and share Information about the company. The same rules and requirements apply to the Information posted in this section as to the Information posted on the Site.

1.1.13. Representatives — users, who represents and acts on behalf of the company which post and share the information about the company on the Site.

1.2. This Agreement governs the relationship between the Administration and Users performing any actions on the Site.

1.3. Responsibility for violation of copyrights, as well as personal property and non-property rights of authors to any items protected in accordance with applicable law and international law, is borne by Users and other individuals who posted such materials on the Site.

1.4. The User who post Information on the Site independently represents and protects his interests arising in connection with the placement of the specified information in relations with third parties.

1.5. The Parties agree that the Information posted by Users and other individuals on the Site is provided without any guarantees and obligations on the part of the Administration, including in case of unreliability (improper form) of such information. The Administration is not responsible for possible interruptions in the functioning of the Site, lack of access to it and other possible technical problems in the operation of the resource.

1.6. The parties to this User Agreement are the Administration (clause 1.1.2.) and the User (clause 1.1.3.).

1.7. The User is considered to have accepted the terms of this Agreement fully, without any reservations and exceptions from the moment of the start of using the Site, which consists both in familiarization with the content of the Site and in the use of the services offered by the Site. In case of disagreement with any of the provisions of the this Agreement, the User is obliged to refrain from using or stop further use of the Site.

1.8. This agreement is located at the permanent address on the Internet: https://devby.io/pages/polzovatelskoe-soglashenie.


2.1. Rights and obligations of the Administration:

2.1.1. The Administration has the right, at its own discretion, to edit, modify, delete any Information posted by Users without any prior notice, including if such Information contradicts the requirements of the legislation or the requirements of this User Agreement or the requirements of the Administration.

2.1.2. The Administration has the right to cancel User Accounts and anonymize the Information left by such Users in case of violation of the requirements of this Agreement, as well as refuse to register an Account for a User whose Account was previously canceled for violating the terms of the this Agreement.

2.1.3. The Administration has the right to make changes to this Agreement in any part of it at any time. When making changes to this Agreement, the User is obliged to familiarize himself with the new Agreement (it’s edition) and put a mark that he accepts the relevant Agreement.

2.1.4. The Administration has the right at its discretion to refuse registration on the Site to the User or legal entity.

2.1.5. Upon receipt by the Administration of information confirming that the information provided by the User when registering an Account on the Site is not true (with the exception of the facts that it contains grammatical errors made when filling out the form of Agreement), as well as in the case of using information when registering an Account contradicting the Agreement, including violating the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, the Administration has the right to terminate the User agreement unilaterally without notifying the User.

2.2. Rights and obligations of the User:

2.2.1. The User undertakes to use the Site in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.2.2. The User has the right to use only that part of the information posted on the Site, access to which is open and allowed by the Administration of the resource.

2.2.3. The User has the right to post Information corresponding to the subject of the relevant sections (comments) of the Site. Information posted by the User should not infringe the rights and legitimate interests of other Users. The actions of the User must not contradict the requirements of this Agreement and the norms of international law.

2.2.4. A user who passed the authentication procedure has the right to comment on the Information posted by other Users.

2.2.5. The User undertakes not to use the Site to send mass messages of advertising and other nature (spam), and not to use the Site to advertise their own goods (works, services).

2.2.6. The User undertakes not to undermine the activity of the Site, as well as not to use software and hardware methods and means of influencing the Site in order to destabilize its operation.

2.2.7. Users do not have the right to use the information provided on the Site for commercial and other purposes without obtaining the consent of the Administration of the resource.

2.2.8. Reprinting, reproduction in any form, distribution, including in translation, of any materials of the site (including comments and reviews) are possible subject to the citation rules, and when placing them on the Internet, a link to the source page of the Site https://devby.io is required).

2.2.9. Posting on the Site links to competing resources, including news resources, job sites and resume databases, is possible only with the consent of the Administration.

2.2.10. The User must be registered on the Site under one Account. In case that the Administration reveals the fact that one User has several Accounts without the reasons specified in this Agreement or other reasons agreed by the Administration, the Administration has the right to cancel duplicate User Accounts at its own discretion.


Requirements for personal data of Users

3.1. The procedure for registering Users can be carried out in two ways:

— filling out the registration form on the Site, in which the User indicates his e-mail address (e-mail), using of which he will later log in to the Site and recover the password in case of its loss;

— Authorization through the User’s Account in the service «Google». This method involves the automatic passage of the authentication procedure in accordance with clause 3.2. of this Agreement.

The User agrees with this Agreement by checking the appropriate box (checkbox).

When registering an Account by the User on the Site, the Administration assigns an ID number, which is the Account number.

3.2. To obtain extended access to the functionality of the Site, User must go through the authentication procedure.

Authentication on the Site is carried out by entering the email address specified during the registration procedure, password and authorization through the service «Google», based on the OAuth-protocol and does not involve the transfer of any information to the Administration of the Site, except for the email address (e-mail), first name, last name, profile photo, gender, and other publicly available information (in the aggregate or not in the full specified volume, in accordance with the User’s information access rights posted at the following address: https://support.google.com/a/answer/6126573 .

3.3. All information received during registration and (or) authentication by the User on the Site is considered received from it personally in the absence of the User’s statement about the loss and (or) theft of authentication data sent to the Administration of the resource by e-mail [email protected]. Passing the registration and (or) authentication procedure by the User on the Site is equivalent to the written consent of the User to the processing of his personal data.


4.1. When posting any Information on the Site, the User must be guided by the following rules:

4.1.1. Information (including any comments, reviews, messages, materials) posting by the User must not violate copyrights, trademark rights, means of individualization and/or rights to other intellectual property objects owned by third parties.

4.1.2. On the Site it is prohibited:

committing actions aimed at misleading the Administration;

creating profiles using third party data;

placing information in form fields and sections of the Site that are not intended for this type of information;

posting Information containing racist statements, inciting ethnic hatred, calls to violate the law, statements of a discriminatory, xenophobic, nationalist nature, insults, obscene or rude language, as well as any other statements that violate the current Agreement;

placement of Information for the purpose of spreading deliberately false information, slander;

posting Information containing rudeness in relation to the statements of interlocutors, provocations to violate this Agreement, obscene expressions and insults in any form.

Information posted by Users should not contain advertising in any form.

On the Site it is prohibited to post Information and comments that violate the law and/or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties (including materials of advertising, erotic, pornographic and (or) offensive nature).

4.2. When writing messages, reviews and comments, the User must follow the following rules:

comply with the requirements of the Agreement and applicable law;

respect copyrights to works of science, literature, art. When quoting, be sure to indicate the source and author;

respect the right to privacy. It is forbidden to post messages containing information relating to the personal life of other users without their permission, including disclosure of the content of correspondence, telephone and other messages of personal correspondence, real names and other personal data (addresses, phones, places of work, etc.) of others Users.


5.1. All messages reflect the opinions of their authors. Users are fully responsible for the Information they disseminate.

5.2. The Administration is not responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness and legality of the Information posted by Users on the Site.

5.3. The User bears full personal responsibility for the validity of the data provided during the Registration and Authentication procedures on the Site.

5.4. The Administration reserves the right not to participate in disputes and discussions, not to evaluate the evidence presented and not to delete messages in the absence of an unambiguous opportunity to assess the compliance of the Information posted by Users with the law and rules in this Agreement.

5.5. Users who post the Information should be ready, if necessary, to independently provide evidence of its legitimacy and legality. Users bear full personal responsibility for posting on the Site Information that may harm to the third parties.

5.6. The Administration reserves the right to involve Users as witnesses, third parties, defendants in court and law enforcement agencies.

5.7. The Administration does not guarantee that the Site will be compatible and/or function with any User software. User messages on the Site may contain links to other sites or resources. Since the Administration does not control other sites or resources, the Administration is not responsible for the performance of such sites or resources, as well as for the content, advertising, materials, goods and services available on such sites or resources. The Administration is not responsible for any harm that may be caused to Users by third parties who have posted such links.


6.1. Correspondence between the Administration of the Site and the Users is carried out by e-mail (e-mail) at the email address [email protected] The Administration sends letters to the Users at the addresses indicated by the Users when registering on the Site. A letter sent by the Administration to such an e-mail address (e-mail) is considered received by the User on the same day.

6.2. Registration on the Site, as well as its use without registration, is the fact that the User accepts the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement is a public offer and a public contract.

The using of the Site, registration and authentication on the Site are an acceptance of this offer, equated to the conclusion of an agreement on the conditions set forth in it.

6.3. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Information posted by it can be used by search or other automated services and in any other ways.

6.4. By registering on the Site, the User can express his consent to receive newsletters to the e-mail specified during registration by putting the appropriate mark in the checkbox.

The User is informed that at any time he can unsubscribe from the newsletter through the settings in his personal account on the Site and in the letter of the newsletter sent to e-mail.

6.5. In the section «Companies» of the Site Administration gives the right to Representatives to post and share information about the company if it comply with the requirements of clauses 4.1.1.-4.1.2. of this Agreement.

The process of verification of the Representatives takes place through the corporate mail.

In case of the Representative has added to the Site any company’s data (name of the company, description of the company, numbers of employees, e-mails, phone numbers, addresses ect.) the Administration has the right to use such information for mailing. Mailing in the meaning of this clause doesn’t mean sending spam or other harmful information.

6.6. The applicable law to this Agreement is the substantive law of England and Wales.


7.1. Changes and (or) additions to this Agreement are made by issuing a new version of the Agreement and come into force from the date of publication of the amended/amended Agreement on the Website at the address specified in clause 1.8. Agreement.

7.2. The Agreement and (or) additions (changes) to it are obligatory for all Users, including registered (using) and passed the authentication procedure on the Site before the entry into force of the new version of the Agreement.

7.3. If the Agreement in any part does not comply with the requirements of the applicable law, then in this part the parties are guided by the requirements of the relevant legislation. Non-compliance of the Agreement in any part with the requirements of the law is not a basis for invalidating it as a whole.