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Transplantologist Oleg Rummo: «Technologies unify us all, even the smartest and the greatest»

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Transplantologist Oleg Rummo: «Technologies unify us all, even the smartest and the greatest»

About 10 years ago Oleg Rummo, the beginning transplant surgeon, went to the internship in Germany, Professor Neuhaus clinic. The first week "knocked the ground from under the feet": the German medicine of the early 2000s was strikingly different from the Belarusian one. Since then, something has changed - Rummo and his team have made Belarusian transplantology known throughout the world. In the interview with dev.by, "the main Belarusian transplantologist" told how EPAM developers help his team, what technologies will become common in the next 10 years, whether doctors will be replaced by the artificial intelligence and whether Belarusian surgeons are ready to test the development of Belarusian start-ups.

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