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Sponsored content

What is sponsored content?

Sponsored content is a story produced by our editorial team together with the advertiser (sponsor) and equally engaging and useful both to the reader and the client. The sponsor suggests the topic, pays editors’ fees for the production of the story and its publication on dev.by. Each and every potential client is appreciated and important to us, but the editorial team can rightfully decline your proposal to cooperate if the suggested topic contradicts our policies, is irrelevant to our audience or contradictory to common sense.

Why should you be interested?

First, sponsored content is a form of native advertising without all the hackneyed and commonplace ad phrases about the «uniqueness» and «focus on innovation». It seamlessly and unobtrusively blends into the general style and content on dev.by, in line with our editorial policy.

Second, according to Google Analytics, our audience measures 250K unique monthly users who expect to receive nothing less than the highest quality information. The editorial team takes a professional and unbiased approach to the production of sponsored content. We speak our readers’ language and keep their best interests in mind, and this is why such content is well-received by the audience.

Third, sponsored content does work on dev.by. For instance, ID Finance received over 80 relevant responses to its vacancies after a series of articles about the company made an appearance on the site. Some other partnerships encouraged 1650 people to take a financial literacy test by Aigenis, and landed, а Crossover story in the top 10 most read articles in 2018, bringing 300+ visitors to the company’s hackathon along the way.

What’s the process?

To make our partnership as smooth and effective as possible, our editorial team asks the client to fill out a brief allowing it to get an idea of their expectations from the publication. After that, we discuss an optimal content format and the deadlines. The content is produced by one of our editors, who submits the final version for the client’s approval and makes reasonable corrections. Note that we accept only corrections that clarify or specify certain facts or make the text more comprehensive without hurting its style and objectivity. We consider all of the client’s preferences, but we also reserve the right to insist on the wording that complies with our editorial policy, and the headlines that seem most fitting and appropriate to us. This way we can guarantee you 1.5K+ views during the first week after the story comes out. The all-time winner received 200K views on dev.by.

We reject any post-publication changes, idealization of products and services or alterations to the original words of the interviewees. Also, we do not delete sponsored content after its publication on the client’s demand. Otherwise, we can publish your vision of the content under the «Advertising» label.

Anyway, we are always open to discussion — just drop us a line on  [email protected] to get the ball rolling and we’ll find the best format of cooperation!