We are all diverse people. Through each other's diversity, we become more aware of our own cultural identity. Especially it is crucial for international businesses to understand different people and their cultural backgrounds for smooth business development and growth.
Ciklum, being an international company, develops and supports the idea of multicultural knowledge sharing among employees. Diversity is our strength! Everybody in the company is working in the international environment communicating with foreign colleagues and clients on daily basis. That is why Ciklum welcomes all their employees to join and actively participate in the variety of intercultural events: cross-cultural communication trainings and seminars, dedicated Speakers’ Corner events where our foreign colleagues share their experience on cultural differences and many cross-cultural interesting facts.
Last Friday in Ciklum Minsk Office our German colleague Hannes Farlock, our client service manager, introduced to Minsk Team members the traditions of German breakfast cooking and described the recipes of some breakfast dishes.
What is so special in the German cuisine? What are the German traditional breakfast dishes?
During an interactive master-class, Hannes together with his fellow compatriot Frank cooked Sommerbowle (special German summer beverage made of green tea and ginger, fresh bananas, lime and oranges, mineral water, orange juice and white sparkling wine).
All colleagues who joined the event also could try Apfelpfannkuchen mit Zimt und Waldfrüchten (apple pancakes with cinnamon and wild berries) and Eierschmalz mit Speck und Schwarzbrot (scrambled eggs with salo and black bread). By the way, we have discovered quite a lot of common features in the German and Belarusian cuisine! :)
At the end of the breakfast, Hannes proposed a quiz about Germany, and promised to reward the winner with a special souvenir from Germany :)
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